Good Manufacturing Practice
We stand for the highest possible quality of our products with maximum standards: Raw materials, formulations and manufacturing processes at the Eimermacher Group are subject to pharmaceutical legislation and the production guidelines for human cosmetics.
The GMP certificate, the highest official recognition in the pharmaceutical production sector, confirms that we fulfil our quality assurance and quality control requirements.
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Our company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 under the registration number 538874 QM15. We have a quality management system that organises, documents and safeguards all our processes and procedures.
We aim to produce safe and legal products of the highest quality in terms of effect and function, sustainably and in compliance with ecological principles. We guarantee a safe working environment for our employees and the continuous maintenance of our buildings, machinery and equipment.
Our aim is to constantly monitor and improve our performance and avoid complaints by means of our own tests, audits and investigations. We have this successfully confirmed by customers, independent institutes and authorities.
We are committed to fulfilling the relevant requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and continuously improving our quality management system in order to ensure consistent quality and to optimise it on an ongoing basis.
DIN EN ISO 13485
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Ecoprofit certified company
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- Energy: 83,837 kWh
- Climate protection: 54 t CO2
- Water: 390m3
- Photovoltaic system 77.76 KWpeak
- Replacement of the skylight strips in production
- Refurbishment of the production building in accordance with EnEV
- Modernization of the temperature control in the high-bay warehouse
- Conversion of the power supply to 100% green electricity
- Centralization of the heating system
- Conversion of the container flushing system
- Cooling of the warehouses by means of night cooling
- Replacement of luminaires with LEDs in the finished goods warehouse
- Modernization of the heating system